itssss EXERCISE time!!!

January 17, 2011

So I’m back at school and pretty much all settled in!  I managed to bring back wayy less stuff (aka clothing!) 🙂  That was a huge challenge because I ALWAYS bring everything even though I pretty much never wear any of it since I’m always wearing yoga pants!

so much closet space!! and no, it isn't all crammed under the bed!

So to sum that up I think that my move back to school was really successful!

AND, when I went to get dinner at the dining hall they had added a new surprise!

I had never had these before, but I tried them and they were super good! I had the barbecue flavor.

Anywaysss, as the title of this post suggests….I GOT THE GO AHEAD TO EXERCISE! I am so so happy about this because it feels like it has been forever since I have actually really truly gotten the A-okayy from my entire team! I finally reached my goal weight, and have maintained, and I’ve been trying lately to eat more intuitively while using my mp as a general guideline.  Things have been going really well so they think that its time I should be allowed to add a healthy amount of exercise into my routine, while being closely monitored.  They made it VERY clear that any slips and I am done, due to my history of being a gym rat..woops!

However, there was a point in my life when being active and fit was really a part of my life.  Until silly ed took that from me and I had to retire the bat and glove (I was a softball player).

I was a gymnast forever and that was my life! Obviously a long long time ago 🙂

I always loved to play softball as well, and when I quit gymnastics, that became my number 1 sport.  I loved it because I could go out on the field and forget everything and completely immerse myself in the game.  I loved the adrenaline rush that the competition gave me.  I guess you could say I was addicted, but in a good way!

haha hardcore 🙂

I’m just really excited to have this part of me back and I’m going to work so hard to make this a healthy part of my life.  The best part of the whole thing is, they didn’t give me any restrictions and they want me to figure out what works best for me.  I want to be able to listen to my body and know when it has had enough, and when I’m feeling good, and strong.  I mean obviously they gave me guidelines such as what is too much but I honestly do know what isn’t healthy, it’s just a matter of accepting that.

SO, that is my goal for this first week back at school; to add a healthy exercise schedule into my routine! I’m completely up for the challenge! In fact, I’m looking forward to it! (if I didn’t make that obvious before!)

Tomorrow I start my new classes for the semester, and I’m looking forward to it! I know that I’m taking some challenging classes but I think that they will be interesting.  I’ll try to post as much as possible but I’m not sure how much free time I’ll have! I’ll do my best. Keep on smiling ladiess 🙂

Winter Break Recap!

January 15, 2011

Hey everyone! So I switched to wordpress since it seems that no one uses blogger anymore. I got a request to blog again so I will see what I can do 🙂  This winter break has been crazy crazy! The first 3 weeks I worked a ton, with not much to show for it because I am a lot better at spending money than saving it 🙂 I did however have an excellent christmas filled with friends, family and FOOD! I really allowed myself to enjoy this year and it was so great! Don’t get me wrong, I have had my ups and downs over break but I never let it last to long.  I’ve gotten pretty good at talking myself out of those slips and reminding myself what I ultimately want.

My big items I recieved for christmas were my kindle (yeahh I’m a dork and love to read!), and a new rain jacket, and a new pair of uggs! Christmas for me really wasn’t about the presents though, as I really didn’t ask for anything, I just wanted to have a happy healthy christmas surrounded by family (that was quite successful!).

New years was great as I had a low key  fun time with my sister and two friends 🙂 I even ate domino’s! Not pizza though because I don’t like that haha but I had cinnamon sticks which were soooo good!  That was huge!

Taking some shots to celebrate 🙂

me and biffle having some fun!

I had a great night with my ladies and rang in the new year with hopes of great happiness for all this year!

I also learned/practiced making sushi this winter break and made it a ton with Jamie-I’ve gotten pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself! I think it will be my back up career 🙂

so yummyyy 🙂


I ALSO got my belly button re-pierced with some lovely ladies at work! It so far has healed quite well 🙂

I would post a picture but it’s not that flattering :/

This past week I spent some time with my girl Carly and we went to the mall and I bought myself some new sperry’s! they are my absolute fav brand of shoes and I can never have enough pairs.

These are the ones that I got!

I’m semi-excited to go back to school on Sunday and get back into my routine however I know that a lot of work is involved in that and I have definitely enjoyed my low key break! BUT I do know that hard work will get me where I want to be so I gotta keep truckin’ ( in all aspects of my life!)

Stay well ladiess!

Hello world!

January 15, 2011

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!